
Repetition, Symmetry, Balance

"Why do I like to see repetition and symmetry?"

Why are these terms accepted as possible characteristics of "good" architecture? I must say that I do like to see repetition and symmetry properly executed on a building's facade or massing. I find it pleasant to view and generally appreciate these techniques in architecture, but why?

I feel that when we see anything whether it be in architecture, or nature our minds immediately begin to try to understand what we are seeing. We attempt to determine the reasoning behind the element's organization. By creating rhythm, symmetry, or repetition we allow our minds to anticipate what is to come next and when our anticipations are confirmed we have feelings of acceptance and understanding.

In the same way that symmetry can allow someone to understand a building's particular organization, asymmetry, or imbalance can create a moment of hierarchy. Therefore, a particular part of a building's program or massing can be emphasized if needed.

It is easy to view an architectural work and conclude that it is "good architecture". It is through understanding WHY that enables us to determine the reasons for this conclusion.

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